The Code of Conduct outlines a set of guiding principles on expected standards of behaviour for every person involved in activities sanctioned by LAVic. All should demonstrate the principles of integrity, respect, responsibility, fairness and safety in everything they do.
Please reach us at if you have any concerns or questions.
LJLAC COVID - 19 Policy will be on display at the track. Key points are:
The Centre is aware that healthy eating is a vital part of good health. We recognize that lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, non-insulin dependent diabetes and obesity are all associated with the food we eat.
We acknowledge that healthy eating can have an impact on the lives of our members, and that the provision of healthy foods will contribute to better health for all. Enjoying a variety of foods from the different food groups is the key to healthy eating.
The Centre will ensure that a variety of healthy food choices are available for all its activities. This applies to all meetings, competitions, functions and events and to all members, officials, players, volunteers, spectators, visitors and any others taking part in Club activities.
*Please Note that in NSW all Public Sporting Facilitates are Smoke Free Environments.*
The Centre is aware that smoking endangers health and believes that all Little Athletics venues and functions should be Smoke Free. In an open park the venue is defined as “the area inside an imaginary boundary 50 metres from the outside perimeter of the circular track”.
The following strategies have been adopted to promote a Smoke Free environment:
Non-compliance with the policy will be handled by an explanation of the Centre’s Smoke Free policy to the person, including the identification of areas in which smoking is allowed. In the case of continued non-compliance with the policy, Centre officials will use their direction as to the steps to be taken, which may include asking the person to leave the premises or function.
The Centre is aware that children are especially susceptible to the sun’s rays and that skin cancer can be prevented.
The following strategies have been adopted:
The Centre is aware that alcohol, when misused can cause harm to the drinker and others. A responsible drinking policy has been adopted so as to reduce risks and avoid problems.
The following strategies have been adopted:
1. There will be no sale or consumption of alcohol during the conduct of any Little Athletics competition.
2. Where alcohol is consumed at a Centre function the following measures will be taken;
(i) Alcohol will not be served to minors, or in front of minors.
(ii) Alcohol will not be served to any person who is intoxicated.
(iii) Low alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks will be available and promoted.
(iv) Water will be available at no cost at functions where alcohol is served.
(v) Healthy food options will be available when alcohol is served.
(vi) Members who have been drinking will be encouraged to use safe transport options.
3. There will be no alcohol advertising at any venue used by the Centre.
4. The Centre will not accept any direct alcohol related sponsorship or use alcohol as a prize for fundraising activities aimed at minors.
5. The Centre will comply with Liquor Licensing Victoria (LLV) regulations.
6. The Centre will comply with any NSW Liquor Licensing regulations.